Netpedia Category: Holidays
Waystation Markets Nondenominational Terran Winter Holiday Celebration
Waystation Markets strives to be an inclusive and welcoming environment for customers of all backgrounds. In order to refrain from appearing to...[more]
Sometimes called "Martian New Year," though mostly by non-Martians, is a two-week festival centered around the Martian aphelion, the point in which Mars’ orbit is furthest from the...[more]
A Venusian holiday, celebrated one two two times a Venusian year, which honors love and affection in all its forms. This holiday, sometimes compared to Terran Valentine's Day, is celebrated...[more]
While Christmas as a holiday has its roots in religious celebration, it has been adopted in many locations as a secular holiday honoring family and gift giving. On Terra, this holiday is celebrated through...[more]
Singing the Sorrow Song
While widely practiced amongst Peregrination ships, Singing the Sorrow Song is a highly variable celebration, with traditions and observance dates ranging vastly from ship to ship. The Song...[more]
- Price is voiced by Jerry Harris
- Manager is voiced by Eryn "Cerise" Dearden
- Written by Olivia Cottle, edited by Aaron Olsen
- Ariel "Ari" Attison is voiced by Vic Collins
- July Lamarr is voiced by Meredith McKee
- Written by James Big, edited by Aaron Olsen
- Satellite Sally is voiced by Christina McClaine
- Asteroid Andy is voiced by Jerry Harris
- Professor Roseline is voiced by Alice Kyra
- Written by Charlie Caruso-Neal, edited by Kale Brown
- Milky Way is voiced by Scott Paladin
- Star Freighter is voiced by Olivia Cottle
- Low Orbit is voiced by Thomas Flemming
- Mrs MacDougal is voiced by Mel Nichols
- Bill-John is voiced by Scott Paladin
- Svetlana is voiced by Emma Johanna Puranen
- Krastner is voiced by Quill Turner
- James is voiced by James Big
- Written by Michael Panush, edited by Scott Paladin
- Rian is voiced by Kris Allison
- Kai is voiced by Paige Koch
- Written & edited by Scott Paladin
- Comet Kyle is voiced by Thomas Flemming
- The Look And Listen Lad Narrator is voiced by M. German
- The Look And Listen Lad Himself is voiced by Kasha Mika
- Expensivia’s Endangered Species Bone Jewelry Collection Narrator is voiced by Emily Buza
- Colonel Yum-Yum is voiced by Interiority
- Dr. Terrorstein’s One-Shot Injectable Fear Solution Narrator is voiced by Richard Kreutz-Landry
- The advertisements were written by Michael Panush, and edited by Kale Brown
- The Netpedia Narrator is voiced by Kale Brown
- Netpedia narration was adapted by Ash Seguinte & edited by Scott Paladin